

Geography Bee Write Up

March 13th 2020

On the 4th March 2020 we went to Elmhurst Primary School in Newham for a competition against 15 other primary schools. It was a geography competition to test our knowledge on capital cities, countries, maps, landmarks and what we know about the world.

In the first round we got 13 out of 15! We were very excited at coming 3rd place in that round.  We worked as a team and we accomplished 5 rounds in total. We never gave up, we were determined and got more and more excited as the rounds went on.

The next round was a map of Europe and we had to name the countries – we got 5 out of 5!  After that, things got a bit harder (a lot harder actually). There were flags and country questions about the whole world such as ‘what is the currency of Belgium?’ and ‘which country imports the most tea?’ All the questions were multiple choice.

Only the top 4 teams could make it through to the finals. Unusually, the top four all got 44 points! We were very close behind in 6th place with 36 points.  Although we didn’t make it into the final, we stayed to watch the winning teams battle for the trophy. The winners were the same team who had won for the last 3 years in a row!

Overall it was a fantastic day – we can’t wait to play again against Loxford School in a few weeks time.

By Huzaifa, Luqman and Aiven (Leopard class)